Monday, December 22, 2008
Almost here
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
White family

Back Home
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
In Arkansas
The YM and YW just showed up to sing a few Christmas carols to nice...back to the story.
Last evening he came down with the stomach flu although he appears to feel slightly better tonight. Anyway, they decided to put a drain in his neck so I am caring for that (with his help). The good news is that his pathology report came back CLEAR with LYMPH NODES NEGATIVE...woo hoo!!
So right now we are staying close to home until he is feeling better. I will probably be here until Tuesday or Wednesday.
Last weekend I was in Wichita. The boys best friend got married. That was an experience. The wedding was at 5pm. At 4pm Michael (he shaved off his goatee...yeah) was in the shower. When he got out at around 4:10 or 4:15 he started looking for his clothes to wear to the wedding. I didn't remember seeing the garment bag in the trunk but I went back out to check and sure enough they had left it in Michael's closet. It was either wear jeans and a T-shirt to the wedding or make a "quick" trip to Wal-Mart to pick up pants and a white shirt. We got to Wal-Mart at 4:30 and back to Diane's house at 4:50 and to the wedding at 5:10...amazing when I look back at it. Daniel showered while Michael and I shopped. The wedding was nice but we were too late to get a seat so I hung out with Stephanie at the back...but that was ok. The boys talked with Josh McKnight a lot and we got to congratulate Ryan and Emerald. I got to speak with a lot of my friends from Wichita that were there. It was a good trip and really nice to see Ty and Diane and the grandkids.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Time Flies
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thanksgiving time of year

Friday, November 14, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My Grandpa
My grandpa actually missed the wars...he was the wrong age. He married my grandma and had 3 children; my dad is the youngest. When my dad was 4 years old he got polio. During this time period they were trying out new treatments for it and my dad was in the hospital with his legs wrapped in warm bandages. After he was well enough to go home my grandma would care for him. She had been sick with pneumonia the previous winter and had never fully recovered (remember, these were the days before penicillin). Caring for him wore her down even further and she contracted the polio too and passed away the fall before my dad turned 5 (his birthday is in Dec and she passed away in Oct). Fortunately my dad has no residual effects from the polio. My grandpa has now outlived 3 wives (he doesn't count one of his bad marriages). He lived in his own house and then his own apartment until last month when he finally moved into assisted living. I think that he is amazing. Here are some pictures:

Here is my grandpa, my dad (on the left), my aunt Bette, and my uncle Ben.
This is a four generation picture taken about 1984. Grandpa holding Diane (on left) and Julie (on right), me and my dad standing in the background.

This is a 5 generation picture taken in August 2007. My dad and I are standing in the back ground. My grandpa is in his chair and Julie is holding Caleb and Jennica.
This one was taken just a month ago. Diane took her kids to see her great grandpa right before he moved. Grandpa is seated in his chair and he is holding Aaron. Ashley is standing on the left. Elisabeth is standing next to Aaron and her great great grandpa. Diane is sitting in the front holding Callie.
We have many 5 generation pictures with Diane's family but I'm not sure that we have a single one with all 4 of her kids so I thought that this would be fun to put up.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008

I look like this. The patch isn't all that tight on my eye and it keeps trying to open when the other eye is open. This evening I have noticed that I can see light but that is all through the patch. My husband and son have been very nice and helpful to me today. I even got 2 really long naps in and I think I will head to bed soon. I'm still kinda nervous for when they remove the patch in the morning.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kinda Nervous
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Daniel's 21st Birthday

I can't believe my "baby" is 21 today. We got him a new headset for his birthday. He is wearing it in these pictures. And this is pretty much how he is all the front of his computer. But he didn't object when I started snapping photos. Right now he has went to sleep. He works nights at Wal-Mart and even though he has today off still sleeps during the day and is awake at night. Maybe he will get up so we can eat birthday cake later...I got him a DQ ice cream cake...the nearest store is in Coppell which is about 15 miles away. I'll try to get some more pictures later with the cake. And a funny picture of Michael I found on his camera :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Another thought

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Vote Yes to Prop 8
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
1. Where is your cell phone? none
2. Where is your significant other? work
3. Your hair color? brown
4. Your mother? amazing
5. Your father? spiritual
6. Your favorite thing? grandchildren
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your dream/goal? celestial
9. The room you're in? familyroom
10. Your hobby? sewing
11. Your fear? lonliness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? wiser
13. Where were you last night? home
14. What you're not? perfect
15. One of your wish-list items? crystalens
16. Where you grew up? Iowa
17. The last thing you ate? PBJ
18. What are you wearing? clothes
19. Your TV? Off
20. Your pet? Buzz
21. Your computer? mine
22. Your mood? content
23. Missing someone? notreally
24. Your car? shared
25. Something you're not wearing? make-up
26. Favorite store? Wal-Mart
27. Your summer? hot
28. Love someone? yes
29. Your favorite color? blue
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? today
And I give you all the "I Love Your Blog!" Award! Really. If you're reading this, then I read your blog, and love it. It contributes to the happiness of my day.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Congratulations to...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
This time...

Monday, September 29, 2008
This and That
I really liked Women's Conference on Saturday evening. I had volunteered to make a dish for the Stake dinner before the broadcast. It was really good...I think that I will have to cut it in about fourths and make it for my family. They also had a short program before the broadcast began which consisted of a narrator and musical numbers. It was very touching.
I have cataract surgery scheduled for October 17. It is an off Friday for Wayne so he can take me there and then is available for my follow up appointment the following morning. I am about ready to be able to see clearly out of BOTH eyes. I will wait for the other eye (as long as the doctor says I can) until it gets to the point that my right one is at now. I am just going to do a regular lens because there is no long term data with the crystalens AND I am such a scrooge.
I should go do my household chores...not to mention I have several purses to finish cutting out and sewing.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The is a story. On Friday night...after dark the doorbell rang. We weren't expecting anyone. It was the Montierth's and Montgomery's. Kirsten had hurt her wrist playing football with the guys. It ends up the story was that she had gotten tackled (I think by her cousin, maybe her brother) and fell forward on her hand. She was really crying and in pain. I thought it might be broken but I don't have x-ray vision. So I told her parents (they had to be called and came over very quickly) that if it was mine child I would do the RICE (rest, immobilization, compression, elevation) treatment and if it wasn't better by morning to take her in then. I sent her home with it wrapped, in a sling, and with a medibear. The next evening she rang my doorbell and gave me back everything that I had sent her home with plus a bouquet of daisies...VERY NICE :) It ends up it was a buckle fracture and it was splinted when I saw her. Today she was going in to get the cast although I have not seen her today. So I do have very pretty daisies!!
My sister-in-law had a baby girl last week on the 10th. She was 29 weeks along and the baby was 2 pounds 9 ounces. They had to take the baby early because Ritzzy had such high blood pressure. She was having vision problems and is still having them. She is still in the hospital (as of yesterday at least). The baby's name is Mischa and she is in the NICU and doing well for the circumstances. Please keep them in your prayers.
Thanks for the input on the cataract surgery. We have made a decision and I will post about that later when I know when the surgery will be. It has to be soon (probably in October) as I am nearly blind in my right eye. That is all for now.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Something new
Monday, September 1, 2008
A Surprise Call

Other than that there isn't much happening. College started so things are busy again. I'll post more in a couple of days.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Our Vacation
On Friday 8/8/08 Michael and I rode the Amtrak train from Fort Worth to Oklahoma City. That was interesting. All was good except the food from the cafe car...note to time bring own food!! We got into OKC around 9:30pm and was picked up at the train station by mom and dad. We loaded into their van and drove straight through to SLC. We got in there around 5pm on Saturday afternoon. We were pretty exhausted but still chatted with Dean and Julie for awhile and gave the grandkids hugs. Julie pulled an all-nighter Saturday at Savers.
Sunday Julie slept for a few hours then we all got up and went to church. They have 1pm meetings. Julie and Dean are in the nursery but Michael, mom, dad, and I went to gospel doctrine then relief society or priesthood. Julie came to get me at the beginning of RS and said that Caleb wanted "ga ga" So I went with her back to nursery and then on to Caleb's nursery after a bit. I didn't really mind as I really enjoy being in the nursery.
On Monday the day was planned and we were going to work on the basement all day and then go to a Burke family picnic that evening. Dad made a contraption out of 2X4's for holding up the sheetrock on the ceiling. We got the ceiling of both bedrooms done. They are going from a 3 bedroom 2 bath house to a 5 bedroom 3 bath house with an extra office down in the basement (besides the already finished family room). It will be really nice when it is finished. We worked until about 5 or so then cleaned up to go to the picnic. It was in Mapleton at the park there. It was nice to see everyone again but we really missed Megan (I hope she is feeling better now) and Heather (I hope the little kids are well now). We will have to get together more often when I go to Utah.
On Tuesday Michael and I headed up to Ogden. Our first stop was the mission office. He expected a lot of people to be there but the temple was closed that week so the only people there were the office staff. He was pretty disappointed that he didn't get to see President and Sister Joyce or any of the other missionaries. After that we went to the mall to go to "Quilted Bear". It was in the process of moving and both stores were closed...bummer again. We went to try to visit a few people. The first one we found home was a lady. When Michael had taught her she had a husband too but they had since split up. It seems that when Michael taught them they didn't have the kids (they were in foster care) and in order for her to get them back she had to get rid of him. Kinda a complicated situation but she seemed to be doing fine. She lived in a VERY poor section of Ogden but the kids seemed to be happy. We then went back to the mall to get some cash (the only BOA ATM in the mission is in that mall) and went out to eat for lunch at Maddock's. That was my favorite meal of the was delicious. I highly recommend it if anyone is up in that is almost up to Brigham City. After lunch we went down to visit another family. This was a member and Michael (and a lot of other missionaries) had spent a lot of time with a pick ax and shovel digging out his basement. He had nothing but nice things to say about Michael...but everyone we ran into said the same thing. It was good to know that the members there loved him so much. After we got done at this house we went down to Syracuse. There was a family there that Michael wanted to take out for dinner. We got to their place and they were actually home!!! They had a family thing planned but after talking with us for awhile she decided to call and cancel with her family and spend the evening with us. That was really great...I loved visiting with them. Interestingly enough...I found out she works with people in the adoption process so we had a lot to talk about since the Jossie's have experienced it. She always wondered how it worked out after the placement process so I was able to tell her how it had worked out with the Jossie' least the ups and downs I know about. We went out to eat at a little restaurant in Eden...over on the other side of Ogden...through a canyon. It was a beautiful drive. Michael got ribs...they were delicious...much better than my steak.
On Wednesday Julie had a dentist appointment in the morning. I babysat (they slept a lot of the time) until she got home. Then in the afternoon we all (except Dean) went with mom and dad to temple square. I went to the SLC temple last time I was there and have recently been to the genealogy library but haven't really spent time in temple square since I was a kid. We toured the Conference Center, Tabernacle, Assembly Hall, and 2 Visitor's Centers. Well, some we toured, some we just went to. We also went to the Legacy theater and saw the Joseph Smith movie. It was so good to see all those things. I didn't realize there were gardens on the roof of the conference center. All the things we saw strenghtened my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
On Thursday Michael and I headed back up to his old mission stomping ground. Julie wanted to come too since that was our last day in town. So we traded Julie's car for mom and dad's van and headed up to Logan this time. We stopped in Ogden to look for a well that we could fill up Julie's 5 gallon water containers with. It was the best water and free...definitely better than PG water. It took us awhile to find it but we finally did. By the time we made it to Logan we were hungry. We stopped to invite a family to lunch with us but they were not home. We ate lunch and it was good but the kids were pretty restless so Julie and I left with the kids to go across the street to the tabernacle while Michael got boxes and paid for the meal. He met us there and we went on a tour. We got to see the baptismal font was tiled in different shades of green...different than I expected but beautiful. We also saw the statue on the grounds. It was kinda cool...there was the father of the family pointed out the Logan temple to his son and we could follow where he pointed and sure enough...there was the temple. I had not been to Logan since Wayne and I were sealed was good to see it again. After the tabernacle we got back in the van to see if we could visit people. We stopped at about 6 houses but only found 2 home before it was too late to visit more. The first family we visited lived in a house in town but also had a farm that Michael would work at. They were a very nice family. The other family we went to see was one that had lived in Virginia when 9/11 happened and he had lost his job because it was in the towers. So they couldn't find another one (he kept getting told he was over qualified for everything he applied for) for 1 1/2 years. That was when they decided to move "home" to Utah but she admitted that she likes it better in the other places they had lived. It was really enjoyable talking with all the families we visited. After this house we drove by the was dark so lit up beautifully. Then we went to Brigham City to Dean's parents house to visit them. By the time we got there it was after 10pm and they thought we had decided not to stop. But they were up watching the olympics so we visited with them for awhile. We finally got home around 1:30am.
On Friday we decided to leave around noon. But we were hungry so ate at Village Inn with Julie, Dean and the kids before we left. We ended up leaving around 1:30pm. I asked if we could stop by 4 corners as Michael had never seen it and wanted to. That was about 20 minutes to get to and 20 min back so ended up being an hour out of the way but it was nice to see it again. I was pretty small when I had seen it as a kid. We took some pictures (hopefully one of the ones that I took of mom and dad will be good enough to use for the 50th). We drove all night again and got here to Texas around 10:30am Saturday morning. Wayne was at work but Daniel was up so mom and dad got to see him. It was a good and dad...THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking us.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Other than that I have been bored. I need to start packing for the trip. I need to buy the train tickets. Michael needs to call people he wants to visit. I need to start a list of things to take. Can't wait to go!!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Hmmm...What to do now
Daniel is just Daniel. He worked last night after getting like 2 hours sleep yesterday. BUT at least he went to church (I think he has went every week for the past month...YEAH) and still got up for work. He works at Wal-Mart as a night cashier.
Michael and I are heading to OKC Friday on the Amtrak train and then hitching a ride with my mom and dad to UTAH!!! I can't wait to see Julie, Dean, Caleb, and Jennica. We will be gone for about a week. Michael is looking forward to seeing the people he met while out there in the Utah Ogden mission. If any of you would like to see us then comment here and I'll see if we can fit you in.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Back to reading :)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Today was a busy day for me. This morning Sarah Reed and I went over to the Kinneer's home and helped with the 7 week old twin boys and also did a little cleaning around the house. It felt so good to be of service to someone in need. The twins are so precious.
Then this afternoon I had an appointment at Diagnostic Health for a follow up mammogram. This ranks high on my list of LEAST favorite things to do but when the one I did a month ago came back abnormal I knew that I had to have it done again. They took three images of the left side and then did an ultrasound. It hurt much more this time that last time. Results will follow as I get them.
I am trying to decide if I want to stay up and go buy "Breaking Dawn" at midnight or go get it first thing in the morning. I will probably opt for the morning option. I can't wait to read it. The only problem will be having to share it with Michael. He is looking forward to it just as much as I am :) We are still trying to convince Daniel to read it. I know he will like it if he will only read it.