Then later this afternoon we had the missionaries over for dinner and I went out with them to visit people. Since Michael has been on his mission I have made it a practice to call the missionary's mom to tell them how their son or daughter is doing and how much we enjoyed having them in our home. This time I also took a photo of Sister Johnston and Sister Sermon.

Our visits were very interesting. Every house we went to had no one home...probably because it was Saturday evening. Then they had a referral. They had the name, address, age, and all the information about this referral. When we got to his house he denied ever meeting the missionaries and giving them that information...very strange. But he did accept a pass along card. The last house we stopped at was very cool. It was a man that the sisters had met before. He is having a hard time (but then again...aren't we all to some degree???). He is not a member but was very receptive to their message about faith. It was a very spiritual experience and I understand now how the spirit guides us with what to say in certain situations. That visit made the entire night worthwhile and now I realize how those encounters make a missionary's mission worthwhile. These two sisters are INCREDIBLE!!