My grandpa passed away this morning 11 January 2010. He was 104 years, 1 month, and 1 week old...UNBELIEVABLE!! I last saw him in December when I was there the weekend before Christmas. He was doing quite well for someone who was told on Thanksgiving Night that he had pneumonia and wouldn't survive 48 hours. But he had always beat the odds. He was funny in December; my sister's family was putting on a Christmas program at the Masonic Home where he was in the skilled nursing unit. My mom asked him if he would like to move up closer to the front so that he could see better. He was sitting next to his lady friend and said he wanted to stay by her!! So thoughtful was he and still looking out for the ladies. He will be missed by all of us. I was very fortunate to have 2 grandfathers living until just the past couple of years. We had a double 5 generation for about 5 years. I will post a few pictures as a tribute. I am not that good at knowing who is who in these pictures but I can tell you that my grandpa was the oldest of 7 children. Now there is only the youngest remaining. He had 3 children and 2 step children. He was married 3 times with my grandma Blenda passing away when my dad was 4 years old. My father was his third child and my dad's best friend growing up ended up being his step brother. He has 10 grandchildren and 5 (I think) step grandchildren. For our side of the family he has 32 great grandchildren (all through my dad) and 6 great great grandchildren. Now for some photos:
I'm pretty sure that the above pictures are all from his growing up years.
Below are some pictures with Blenda, his first wife and their kids.
In the picture above are left to right: grandpa, his mom (I think), uncle Ben, and my dad, Jim.
This picture is Art with his second wife, Gladys. The baby in grandpa's arms (on the left) is me and the other two are my cousins Kathy and Tommy.
In the picture below are Kathy, Tommy, me, my sisters Kerry and Krista as well as my grandpa and Gladys.
The picture above is my grandpa with his third wife, Esther. The kids are me an my sisters and two of Esther's grandsons. Grandpa was married to Esther for over 25 years and she is the only grandma that I remember and I always called her grandma. She and I were close as well and I really miss her too.
My grandpa loved to hunt. He is the man on the right. I'm not sure who the others are but I'm pretty sure one is my uncle Tom as he likes to hunt too. Look at those birds!! I think they are pheasant but I'm not good enough to know for sure.
This is a 4 generation picture taken when Diane and Julie were little. be that thin again!!
This one was taken in Kansas City. It has the Stewart's as well as the Laisure's (my aunt Bette and uncle Tom, cousins Kathy and Tom) plus uncle Tom's mother, Lena (she is sitting on the couch to the left).
This one is my grandpa (on the left) with three of his siblings. Great uncle Neil (in the blue shirt) is the only one left now.
A double 5 generation when Elisabeth was a baby (she is 7 now).
This is probably my favorite picture of him...he just looks so happy.
This one is at their 25th wedding anniversary (I think) behind them are their children: L to R-Ben, Bette, Jim (my dad), Mary Esther, and Bill.
Grandpa with left to right: my mom and dad, grandpa, Inez and Ben, and Bette and Tom.
grandpa's 100th birthday party with siblings, kids, and then most of the grandkids.
101 years old!!
102 years old!!
Another one of my favorite's of my grandpa. This was taken outside his apartment in about 2008 or so.

This was taken January 2009. 5 generations with all 6 great great grandchildren!! Grandpa was 103 and still getting around good. He was in assisted living at this point BUT lived in his own apartment until shortly before this...amazing!!
This last one was taken in August 2009 at my parent's 50th wedding anniversary party. Here is grandpa with his kids; Ben, Bette, and Jim (my dad).
Grandpa...until we meet again.