Thursday, September 16, 2010

32 Years

I'm not really much of a sentimental person but today is our 32 year anniversary. I really do have wedding photos but NONE of them are digital yet. I guess I know what one of my projects is going to be this winter. But I did happen to find a couple pictures~
I'm not sure when this was taken but I know it was a LONG time ago but we probably had Diane and Julie at the time.
This one was taken 4 years ago. Wayne was really sick for this trip (we went to Iowa for my MIL's 80th birthday).
This last one is a family photo taken around 1990 or so.


Lois Brown said...

Congratulations!!!! 32 yrs is a big accomplishment! I love the pictures!!! so happy for you!

Hillori said...

Wonderful pictures! You have such a pretty, pretty smile...

GStaples said...

Loved looking at your pictures. Your wedding dress is pretty. Cute family!